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The Pageant

Miss Rodeo Georgia symbolizes the youth of our state who wish to promote further the sport of professional rodeo and the Western way of life.  She is the ideal, western-type American girl, and is the person who will represent professional rodeo as she travels our state and country.

Every year women living in the state of Georgia compete to be the next Miss Rodeo Georgia. They are judged on their rodeo knowledge, public speaking, personality, and horsemanship skills.

Picture collage of Miss rodeo georgia pageant photos

What are the age divisions?

Miss: 20 - 25 years old
Teen: 14 - 18 years old
Princess: 11 - 13 years old
Sweetheart: 7 - 10 years old

Miss contestants must have obtained the age of 21 years by November 1, 2025, and shall not have obtained the age of 27 years by December 31st of the MRA Pageant year (2025). Teen, Princess, and Sweetheart contestants must be the appropriate age by December 31 of the MRG pageant year. Contestants that fall between the Teen and Miss age divisions are encouraged to come and exhibition at the pageant. All contestants will compete in interviews, public speaking, appearance, and personality. Miss/Teen contestants will also compete in horsemanship and written test.

Miss Rodeo Georgia Queens